1. Cell membranes are constructed mainly of...
A. Phospholipid bilayers
B. Protein pumps
C.  Glycoproteins
D.  Carbohydrates
Ans A
2. The distribution of Intrinsic protein in the cell membrane is 
a) Symmetric
b) asymmetric
c) uniform
d) random
Ans- b
3. Which of the following transport induced conformational change in protein 
a)  Simple diffusion
b)  Active diffusion
c)  Facilitate diffusion
d) Ion driven active transport

4. The major biomolecule responsible for selective uptake of materials across plasma membrane 
a) Carbohydrate
b) Protein
c) Lipids 
d) Phospholipids
Ans- c

5. All the following substance pass through cell membrane except
a) O2
b) H2O
c) CO2
d) H+
Ans- d

6. What is the outer boundary of the cell 
a) cell wall
b) plasma membrane
c) nuclear membrane 
d) endoplasmic reticulum
Ans- b

7. Which of the solution will have the same solute concentration on both sides of the cell membrane 
a) isotonic
b) hypotonic
c) hypertonic
d) hygrotonic
Ans- a

8. Witch type of the solution will cause cell to swell or even to burst
a) isotonic
b) hypotonic
c) hypertonic
d) hygrotonic
Ans- b

9. The outer part of plant cell is-
a) Cell wall
b) Cell membrane
c) Ectoplast
d) Epidermis

10. Middle lamella is composed of -
a) Cellulose 
b) Hemicellulose
c) Pectin
d) Lignin
Ans- c

11. Smallest unit in cell wall is -
a) Fibrils
b) Middle lamella
c) Micro fibril
d) Micelle

12. Cell wall consist of -
a) Lignin, hemicellulose, pectin and lipid
b) Hemicellulose, pectin, protein and lipid
c) Cellulose, hemicellulose, pectin and Lignin
d) Cellulose, hemicellulose, Tubulin and Lignin

13. Protoplasmic strands between adjacent plant cell are- 
a) Ectodesmata
b) Desmosome
c) Protoplasmic fibrils
d) Plasmodesmata 

14. An element present in middle lamella
a) Calcium
b) Potassium
c) Sodium
d) Iron

15. The average thickness of plasma membrane of a eukaryotic cell is:
A.  5 to 10 nm
B.  5 to 10 Å
C.  5 to 10 µm
D.  5 to 10 pµm
Ans a

16. Which of the following is NOT the function of plasma membrane?
A.  Intercellular interactions
B.  Responding to external stimuli
C.  Energy transduction
D.  Assisting in chromosome segregation
Ans – d

17. Which of the following statements best describes the chemical composition of plasma membrane?
A.  Plasma membrane is composed of two layers—one layer of phospholipids and one layer of proteins.
B.  Plasma membrane is composed of equal numbers of phospholipids, proteins, and carbohydrates.
C.  Plasma membrane is bilayers of proteins with associated lipids and carbohydrates.
D.  Plasma membrane is bilayers of phospholipids with associated proteins and carbohydrates.

18. Glycolipids in plasma membrane are usually located at:
A.  Outer leaflet of plasma membrane
B.  Inner leaflet of plasma membrane
C.  Evenly distributed in both inner and outer leaves of plasma membrane
D.  Cannot be predicted, it varies according to cell types
Ans –a

19. Malarial parasite uses ________ on the plasma membrane of RBC as receptor to enter in the cell
A.  Band 3 protein
B.  Glycophorins
C.  Spectrin protein
D.  Ankyrin proteins
Ans – B

20. Secondary cell wall of plant is -
a) Located outside the primary wall
b) Located inside the Plasma Membrane
c) Located inside the primary wall
d) Located just beneath middle lamellae

21. Which of the following organelle is involved in cell wall formation-
a) Mitochondria
b) Chloroplast
c) Golgi apparatus
d) Lysosome

22. Which statement are not true regarding the cell wall
a) Plant cell wall is made up of cellulose
b) plant cell wall is a non living structure 
c) cell wall provide mechanical support to the cell
d) cell wall is semi permeable 
Ans- d

23. A nonliving structure of cell is -
a) Cell wall
b) Plasma membrane
c) Cytoplasm
d) Nucleus

24. Secondary wall is commonly formed of 
a) Single layer 
b)  Many layer
c) Two layer
d) Three layer

25. Middle Lamella contains 
a) cellulose 
b) pectate
Ans- b

26. Matrix of cell wall is made up of 
a) pectin
b) hemicellulose
c) glycoprotein

27. Hydrophilic chemical of cell wall is 
a) pectin
b) suberin
c) fat
d) lignin

28. Cellulose micro fibrils get bound to pectin of matrix through -
a) hemicellulose
b) lignin
c) peptidoglycan
d) glycoprotein

29. Which is the outer most structure of cell wall
a) primary wall
b) secondary wall
c) tertiary wall
d) middle lamella

30. The inner most layer of cell wall is 
a) tertiary wall, if present
b) secondary wall
c) primary wall
d) middle lamella 

31. Which component of cell wall is normally contact with plasma membrane
a) primary wall
b) secondary wall
c) plasmodesmata
d) middle lamella 

32. Primary wall grows by
a) Accretion
b) Introgression
c) Intussusception
d) All the above

33. Secondary wall is commonly formed of 
a) single layer
b) double layer
c) triple layer
d) many layer
Ans- c

34. Primary wall is generally elastic due to absence of 
a) lignin
b) suberin
c) Cutin
d) Silica

35. Plant cell are distinguishable from animal cell in containing 
a) mitochondria
b) Ribosome
c) E.R.
d) Cell wall

36. The structural material of fungal cell wall is
a) Pectin
b) Cellulose
c) Peptidoglycan
d) Chitin

37. Fruits are ripe due to -
a) degeneration of cell wall
b) partial solubilisation of pectic compound
c) metabolism of tannins
d) exosmosis
Ans- b

38. Hardness of woody tissue is due to -
a) silica
b) lignin
c) cellulose
d) suberin
Ans- b

39. Cellulose content is high in-
a) primary cell wall
b) secondary cell wall
c) tertiary cell wall
d) middle lamella 

40  Tertiary wall is known from 
a) compression wood of dicot
b) tension wood of gymnosperm
c) cotton fibers
d) all hard wood 

41. Plasmodesmata were discovered by -
a) hanstein
b) koliker
c) strasburger
d) garnier

42. Part of ER present in plasmodesmata is called
a) desmotubule 
b) cisterna
c) vesicle
d) myeloid body
Ans- a

43. Pit membrane consist of -
a) primary wall
b) middle lamella
c) middle lamella + primary wall 
d) primary wall + middle lamella+ primary wall

44. A pit present in the wall of cell lying adjacent to an intercellular space is
a) complete pit
b) blind pit
c) a pit without its partne 
d) Both B and C

45. A disc shaped thickening present on the pit membrane called-
a) torus 
b) callus
c) tylosis
d) stoma

46. Fluid mosaic model of plasma membrane was proposed by -
a) Malpighi
b) Danielli and Davson
c) Robertson
d) Singer and Nicolson
Ans- d
47. Cellulose and hemicellulose are 
a) Disaccharides
b) Polysaccharides 
c) Polypeptide
d) Phospholipids

48. Transport molecules of cell membrane are
a) Lipids
b) Phospholipids
c) Glycolipids
d) Proteins

49. Rigidity of cell wall is due to -
a) Pectin
b) Lignin
c) Cellulose
d) Cutin 

50. The colourless part of chloroplast is 
a) Grana
b) Stroma
c) Thylakoid
d) Non of the above
Ans- b


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