Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI) FOR MSC FINAL

         Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI)
Agriculture in India is the means of livelihood of almost two thirds of the workforce in the country. It employs nearly 62% of the country’s total population and occupies 42% of its total geographical area. From a nation dependent on food imports to feed its population, India today is not only self-sufficient in grain production, but also has a substantial reserve. The progress made by agriculture in the last four decades has been one of the biggest success stories of free India. Agriculture and allied activities constitute one of the main contributors to the Gross Domestic Product of the nation. The increase in agricultural production has been brought about by bringing additional area under cultivation, extension of irrigation facilities, the use of seed of improved high yielding varieties, better production technologies evolved through agricultural research, water management, and plant protection through judicious use of fertilizers, pesticides and cropping practices.
The Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI), a centenarian, is the country’s premier national Institute for agricultural research, education and extension. It has served the country by developing appropriate technologies through basic, strategic and need-based research resulting in crop improvement and agricultural productivity in harmony with the environment leading to the Green Revolution and served as a centre for academic excellence in the area of postgraduate education and human resource development in agricultural sciences.
Originally established in 1905 at Pusa (Bihar) with the financial assistance of an American Philanthropist, Mr Henry Phipps, the Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI) started functioning from New Delhi since 1936 when it was shifted to its present site after a major earthquake damaged the Institute’s building at Pusa (Bihar). The Institute’s popular name ‘Pusa Institute’ traces its origin to the establishment of the Institute at Pusa.
The Indian Agricultural Research Institute is the country’s premier national Institute for agricultural research, education and extension. It has the status of a ‘Deemed-to-be-University’ under the UGC Act of 1956, and awards M. Sc. and Ph. D. degrees in various agricultural disciplines.
The growth of India’s agriculture during the past 100 years is closely linked with the researches done and technologies generated by the Institute. The Green Revolution stemmed from the fields of IARI. Development of high yielding varieties of all major crops which occupy vast areas throughout the country, generation and standardization of their production techniques, integrated pest management and integrated soil-water-nutrient management have been the hallmarks of the Institute’s research. The Institute has researched and developed a large number of agrochemicals which have been patented and licensed and are being widely used in the country. Over the years, IARI has excelled as a centre of higher education and training in agricultural sciences at national and international levels.


The Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI) is India's premier institution in the field of agricultural research, higher education in agriculture (post-graduate programme) and extension education. The primary functions of the Institute are
(i)         Basic and applied research in the various branches of agricultural sciences,
(ii)       Teaching at the post-graduate level and organisation of special short-term training programmes in several aspects of agricultural sciences, both at the national and international levels and
(iii)     Extension advisory work for improving farm productivity and socio-economic conditions of the farming community. 


To realize the mission laid down by the Institute, i.e., to explore new frontiers of science and knowledge, to develop human resources and policy guidance to create a vibrant, responsive and resilient agriculture, the mandate of the institute is as follows:
·          To conduct basic and strategic research with a view to understanding the processes, in all their complexity, and to undertake need-based research that leads to crop improvement and sustained agricultural productivity in harmony with the environment.
·          To serve as a centre for academic excellence in the area of post-graduate education and human resources development in agricultural sciences.
·          To provide national leadership in agricultural research, extension, and technology assessment and transfer by developing new concepts and approaches and serving as a national referral point for quality and standards.
·          To develop information systems, add value to information, share the information nationally and internationally, and serve as a national agricultural library and database.


IARI is India’s premier national institute for research and higher education in agricultural sciences. The Institute received the status of a “Deemed University” in 1958 under the UGC Act of 1956 and was empowered to award M. Sc. and Ph.D. degrees. Headquartered at New Delhi, it is the largest and most prestigious of the research institutes financed and administered by the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR).
The administrative and technical head of IARI is its Director. The Board of Management, with the Director as its chairman, served by four councils, namely, Research Advisory Council, Academic Council, Extension Council and Executive Council, provides the overall management direction. The Director is assisted by a Joint Director (Research), a Dean & Joint Director (Education) and a Joint Director (Extension) who are equivalent to the Directors of ICAR institutes, which are not deemed universities. A Joint Director (Administration) looks after the day-to-day administrative work. The Chief Finance and Accounts Officer has overall charge of the audit and accounts matters.


Presently the research, education, and extension activities of the Institute are carried out through a network of 20 discipline-based divisions, 5 multidisciplinary centers situated in Delhi, 8 regional stations, 2 off-season nurseries, 10 centres of All India Coordinated Research Projects and a common set of service units. The Institute also serves as the headquarters of 3 All India Coordinated Research Projects. In addition, some of the institutes like National Research Centre on Plant Biotechnology, NCIPM and Directorate of Maize Research are located in the campus.

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