The National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources (NBPGR) -MSC FINAL

             The National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources (NBPGR)
The National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources has its Headquarters at New Delhi, located at latitude of 28° 35’ N, longitude of 70° 18’ E and an altitude of 226 m above mean sea level. NBPGR functions under the administrative control of the Crop Science Division of the ICAR. The Bureau draws guidelines from the Crop Science Division of ICAR, Bureau’s Management Committee, Research Advisory Committee and Germplasm Advisory Committees.
The Bureau has four Divisions, two units, three cells and an experimental farm at its Headquarters in New Delhi and 10 regional/ base stations located in different phyto-geographical zones of India. Besides this, a National Research Centre on DNA fingerprinting and an All India Coordinated Research Project on Under-utilized Crops are also located at the Bureau.
Plant Exploration and Collection Division has the objectives to plan, coordinate and conduct explorations for collecting germplasm. Germplasm Evaluation Division is entrusted with the prime responsibility of characterization and evaluation of all the indigenous and exotic germplasm collections for their field performance and other important traits like resistance to biotic/ abiotic stresses and phytochemical attributes along with maintenance and regeneration. This division has an experimental farm located at Issapur about 45 km from the main campus covering an area of 40 ha. Germplasm Conservation Division is vested with the task of conservation of germplasm of various crop plants, and to undertake basic research on various aspects of seed storage and longevity. Plant Quarantine Division has the power vested by Plant Protection Advisor to the Government of India, under the Plant Quarantine (Regulation of Import into India) Order 2003 under the Destructive Insects and Pests Act (1914), to carry out quarantine of the plant germplasm imported for research purposes. It also undertakes the quarantine of material under export and issues the phytosanitary certificate. Germplasm Exchange Unit has the responsibility of introducing genetic resources of diverse crop plants and their wild relatives and distributing the same within the country, and also exports the germplasm. There is also a Tissue Culture and Cryopreservation Unit, with the main objective to conserve economic plants, for which conventional methods of storage are unsuccessful or inadequate, through in vitro and cryopreservation techniques. In addition, the Bureau has three cells, namely PGR Policy, Agriculture Research Information System and Technical Cell.
The NRCDF has facilities for molecular fingerprinting of released varieties and genetic stocks of crop plants of India. It has the objectives of standardization of molecular marker systems for DNA profiling and their application in variety identification. The NBPGR Headquarters, along with the network of 11 regional /base/ satellite stations covering different agro-climatic regions, and the linkages with 59 National Active Germplasm Sites constitute the Indian Plant Genetic Resource Management System.
To act as nodal institute at national level for acquisition and management of indigenous and exotic plant genetic resources for food and agriculture, and to carry out related research and human resource development, for sustainable growth of agriculture.
Objectives of NBPGR
·          To plan, organize, conduct and coordinate exploration and collection of indigenous and exotic plant genetic resources.
·          To undertake introduction, exchange and quarantine of plant genetic resources.
·          To characterize, evaluate, document and conserve crop genetic resources and promote their use, in collaboration with other national organizations.
·          To develop information network on plant genetic resources.
·          To conduct research, undertake teaching and training, develop guidelines and create public awareness on plant genetic resources.
Regional station of NBPGR
Regional Station, Akola
The Regional Station was established at Akola in 1977 to cater to the needs of Plant Genetic Resources activities in central-peninsular India, especially Maharashtra, Goa, Daman and Diu and parts of Southern districts of Madhya Pradesh and parts of northern Karnataka. This region is a vast plateau comprising hilly tract of Satpura, Gawilgarh and Maikala ranges, plain cotton belt of erstwhile Berar, undulating Western Ghats and coastal regions (now referred to as Central Indian Region, Zone IX under NATP-PB). The experimental farm of 20 hactares is located in university campus. Amravati centre now is working as satellite centre of Akola station.
Regional Station, Bhowali
The Regional Station was initially established at Almora as an exploration base centre for germplasm collection activities in Kumaon and Garhwal hills. Mandate area of the regional station is now referred to at Central Himalayan Region, Zone V under NATP-PB). The centre was shifted to Bhowali in April 1986 and designate NBPGR Regional Station when Wheat Research Station (of Vivekanand Parvatiya Krishi Anushandhan Shala VPKAS) was merged with it. Earlier to shifting, this station has a long history. The Imperial Potato Research Station established in 1943, for potato seed multiplication and brown rot (Pseudomonas solanacearum) test was known as hot spot for the development of plant diseases. In 1956, with the commencement of wheat improvement scheme under PL-480, it was transferred to Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI) and name was changed as Wheat Research Station, Bhowali. In 1984 it was again transferred to VPKAS, till shifted NBPGR. Year of establishment: 1986
Exploration Base Center, Cuttack
This Base Centre was established in the campus of Central Rice Research Institute with the objective of exploration and collection of indigenous crops from Orissa, West Bengal and adjoining areas in parts of Jharkhand and Chhattisgarh (now referred to as Humid/Moist Tropical East Coastal Region, Zone III under NATP-PB). Climatically, the area is sub-humid to humid in eastern and south-eastern plains. Northern plateau is an extension of Chhotanagpur plateau and spreads upto Mayurbhanj and Keonjhar districts and districts of Ganjam, Kalahandi, Phulbani and Koraput in the southern portion. The whole area is potential for collecting. Year of establishment: 1986
Regional Station, Hyderabad
This Regional Station was established initially as Plant Quarantine Station in ARI campus of Acharya N G Ranga Agricultural University at Rajendranagar, Hyderabad to cater to the needs of Plant Quarantine clearance work particularly on five mandate crops of ICRISAT and paddy international trial material received from IRRI, Philippines meant for research organizations in south India. A modest beginning was made in 1977, by taking possession of 16 acres of land that was provided by the University. Central Plant Protection and Trainging Institute in collaboration with Directorate of Rice Research was authorized to take up the plant quarantine clearance work until the establishment of PQRS of NBPGR in 1985.
Regional Station, Jodhpur
This Regional Station was established in 1965 as a sub-station of erstwhile Plant Introduction Division of Indian Agricultural Research Institute in the campus of Central Arid Zone Research Institute at Jodhpur, Rajasthan (now referred to as Arid Region, Zone I under NATP-PB). The main task assigned was to acclimatize the genetic resources of tropical plants procured from abroad on a systematic basis and to collect the indigenous germplasm suited to arid/semi-arid conditions. With the creation of NBPGR in 1976, the substation was transferred to it. It has a farm area of about 6 ha with irrigation facility. The station is entrusted with the responsibility to carry out Plant Genetic Resources (PGR) activities in the states of Rajasthan, Gujarat and adjoining areas in Haryana.
Regional Station, Shillong
This Regional Station was established in 1978 as the northeastern region of India at Shillong, Meghalaya representing the humid, subtropical to sub temperate ecology and climate. It is surrounded by Tibet, China in the north, Bangladesh in southwest, Myanmar in the east and Bhutan and Nepal in the north-west. The jurisdiction of this station for collection activities encompass all the eight states, namely, Assam, Meghalaya, Manipur, Nagaland, Tripura, Sikkim, Arunachal Pradesh and Mizoram (now referred to as Northeastern Region, Zone IV under NATP-PB). The station was under the administrative control of ICAR Research complex for NEH region for some period (Feburary 1983 to September 1985). Since 1986 it is again under administrative control of NBPGR. The office cum laboratory building and experimental farm at Umiam (1000m altitude) in district Ribohi are situated 20kms away from Shillong City.
Exploration Base Center, Ranchi
This Base centre was established in 1988 to carry out systematic exploration for germplasm collection in the states of Bihar, parts of Jharkhand and adjoining areas in Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal (now referred to as Sub-tropical/sub-humid Region, Zone V under NATP-PB). The tribal belt of Chhotanagpur and adjoining region is a potential area for germplasm collection. It is fast developing as a centre for evaluation and maintenance of germplasm of tropical fruits and other field crops suited to the region.
Regional Station, Shimla
This Regional Station was established as Plant Introduction Station under Botany Division of IARI in 1960. Since 1976, it came under the control of NBPGR. Apart from the office building and laboratories, it has 7 hectares of farmland. The station has the major responsibility for the conservation and management of plant genetic resources of western Himalayas comprising Himachal Pradesh and Jammu and Kashmir (now referred to as Northwest sub-Himalayan and high attitude Himalayan Region, Zone VI under NATP-PB). A field genebank of temperate fruits and newly introduced fruit plants, and largest germplasm collection of french bean, amaranth, buckwheat is being maintained at the station. The station has also a facility of medium-term storage for conserving orthodox seeds where seeds can be stored up 12-15 years without losing viability. This station also acts as National Active Germplasm Site (NAGs) for amaranth, french bean, buckwheat and temperate fruits. It has strong linkages with State Agriculture Universities of Himachal Pradesh and Jammu and Kashmir as well as Himachal Pradesh University, Shimla.
Regional Station, Srinagar
This Regional Station was established in 1988 to carry out systematic exploration for germplasm collection in Jammu and Kashmir. This area has a potential for the collection of temperate fruits, vegetables, rice, millets, medicinal and aromatic plants and temperate tribal food.
NBPGR Regional Station, Thrissur, Kerala

This station was established in 1977 in the Kerala Agricultural University campus near Pineapple Research Station on the Mannuthy-Chirakkakode road with a farm area of 10.4 ha. Thrissur is well connected by road, rail and air. Nearest airport is Kochi International Airport at Nedumbassery (60 km). The area of jurisdiction for exploration and collection by the station is southern India comprising Kerala, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Pondicherry, Goa and Andaman & Nicobar Islands.

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